Anxiety lies at the heart of some of our worst decisions. Increased blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and clouded thinking ensure tense nonverbal behavior and scattered oral responses. Unprepared witnesses who stand before experienced litigators at deposition or trial are left unarmed in the lion’s den.
Testimony is not a conversation, so witnesses must be taught the skill of answering. We utilize our knowledge of psychology and communication to empower deposition and trial witnesses. Fear imperils decision-making. We use science-based tools to mitigate anxiety so witnesses can deliver at their peak-level of performance.
Our methods include digital biofeedback, visual learning and individualized cognitive error mitigation. This is not coaching, this is a behavioral intervention.
Our methods include digital biofeedback, visual learning and individualized cognitive error mitigation. This is not coaching, this is a behavioral intervention.
Pre-Depo Wit Prep is like having air bags on your car. It can’t guarantee you’ll avoid a crash, but it exponentially reduces the damage you suffer.
Keep in mind, much like safety equipment, the relative cost of this vital protection is very small.
Would you demand a car without air bags to save a few bucks? Of course not.
Keep in mind, much like safety equipment, the relative cost of this vital protection is very small.
Would you demand a car without air bags to save a few bucks? Of course not.
A well-prepared witness navigates dangerous language. A well-prepared witness is aware of decision-makers’ perceptions. A well-prepared witness is not easily manipulated by litigator tricks. In essence, your witness plays the role they were cast and completes your story. A few hours of professional witness prep is incredibly helpful for EVERY witness (no matter how smart or experienced).
The benefits of successful testimony for your case are obvious,
but the savings from avoided catastrophes are incalculable.
The benefits of successful testimony for your case are obvious,
but the savings from avoided catastrophes are incalculable.
Download our Witness Prep handout HERE.